This blog will contain topics ranging from health, fitness and being positive to productive hacks and exuding confidence. It will cover topics to lighten up your mood and help you relate to some daily problems , not everybody talks about. Hope this blog makes you happy and brings a smile on your face and inspires you.
There are always gonna be days when you wake up and everything looks like a fairy-tale. You have a smile after waking up and you are just feeling great . But at one point you cross a person having a bad day, the person is in pain they are hurting and you don't wanna spoil your mood. You immediately look away and move on. I am not judging you, I do that too but ultimately i start feeling their pain and I wanna comfort them. As i make someone smile I feel better. I think about if i was in the person's place i'd want someone to help me and help me pull through. Always remember that everybody feels pain from Kim Kardashian to James Charles to me to you to a dog to a lady bug. We are all the same when it comes to pain. Slowly but surely i am starting to realize that a person might have all the money in the world, they might be wealthy but not happy and at peace.
We gotta help each other overcome life's hurdles and obstacles. It won't be easy, I know but once you get the hang of it you will love it. Even if you are the one having the bad day, get up and help yourself. I came up with this quote and i really admire it and stand by it:"Life may be long or short but either way,it's hard and it sucks. We need to help each other survive and CONQUER it."
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