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The 'Punishment' and 'Reward' rule
The "Punishment" and "Reward" rule
You might be familiar with the title from my previous post called " JUST SAYING WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH ". It's a rule that i created recently and have seen results. I will walk you through what it is, how to apply it and more importantly stick to it.
1, WHAT DOES THE RULE MEAN ? Well, the rule is pretty self-explanatory. If you have a problem sticking to your goals, don't worry. Besides all of the over dosage that you have taken of advice as to what you should do to be prefficient ( PRODUCTIVE + EFFICIENT = PREFFICIENT ; another thing i created ), this rule will not bore you and keep you from deviating from the tasks on your to-do list. P.s. I will be uploading some variations that you can use which will be effective in the near future.
2, HOW CAN YOU APPLY THIS RULE / HOW DOES IT WORK ? So, we all wake up and make to-do lists and tasks we really wanna work on. But most of us just say what we wanna do, nobody really gets things done. So, on your to-do list make boxes to be checked off by you after you'll have finished doing the tasks on your planner. Use your favorite colors. The second step is an important step : After you have made boxes alongside your tasks, make two columns saying the words PUNISHMENT AND REWARD IN CAPITAL LETTERS. Now, assign rewards and punishments to be received by you If you finish THE TASKS YOU SET FOR YOURSELF BUT MIND IT YOU HAVE TO STICK TO THE PUNISHMENTS. For e.g. If you do workout for x amount of time then you can watch your favorite show with dinner and if you don't you can't. Though the punishments need to be stricter you do get the idea. Since, i will be uploading some variations for you to follow soon, that's what will help you stick to them. The bonus here is this is how you will train your will power and you will easily beat PROCRASTINATION.
3, The last step requires honesty and if you have a problem punishing yourself, ask someone else to do it for you. After all that is what people are really good at. STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF AND YOU WILL SEE RESULTS, I PROMISE YOU. Again, go through this twice and start applying it this instant. IT'S NOW OR NEVER.
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