Channeling Positivity -- A Message Of Hope!
Channeling Positivity --
A message of hope
Someone has rightfully said, “the night is darkest just before dawn”. This is similar to what we are going through right now! All of us, in a pandemic. We are really, really strong because we have lived through a lot of things over the years. Right now a lot of us have lost hope. WE are tired, maybe even sick of sitting inside. Some of us have gotten used to sitting inside and getting on with our days. While some of us just want to go out and live normally. We’ve not had a smooth ride this past year. But it’s okay to be frustrated, agitated, angry, sad, confused, or whatever emotion you might be feeling; as human beings, we can only take so much. This is why we need to hold onto hope. We need to believe in ourselves — believe in a brighter tomorrow.
Everybody is frightened right now, fearful of uncertainty and precariousness, worried about their health and their kids futures, afraid of what comes next. But trust me, everything is going to be okay. If we wanna survive, we have to believe in that. Hope is the only thing stronger than fear. That is why we need to hope as much as we can. We can either sit all day and watch the news and numbers of rising corona cases and fuel our fear or we can try to be safe, we can try and pray for each other. It doesn’t matter what religion you follow or maybe not any religion at all. We can try and root for each other, hope that we’ll all come out of this situation as better people, more careful and aware; more empathetic and kind. No matter where you are right now, we are all in this together and this is the time for reflection as to who we really are, what do we stand for? Instead of worrying about things we cannot control, shift your energy on things that you can do. Try and channel positivity, look at this situation as something which has finally made us realise how lucky we are to be alive and healthy.
The biggest miracle is us — alive and breathing, walking around. Look at the situation as ‘a half glass full than half glass empty’. We’ve got time right now to invest in ourselves and get to know ourselves better. Show love to yourself by reading a book, writing in a diary, follow a podcast, watch a documentary, clean your house, clear out your wardrobe, find stuff you can give out to help the poor, organise your workspace, spend time with your family, go through old photos, watch old cassettes, reminisce old moments, think about what being in a quarantine after a lockdown for so long has taught you, write about lessons you’ve learned during these tough times, set goals and sketch a dream-self, etc; basically, declutter and feel better.
This situation has held up a mirror for us; showing us how we’ve been selfish and unkind to each other. That is why it has also helped us become more careful and appreciative of the things and people around us.
There are so many things we’ve always wanted to do but haven’t had the time to; people we’ve wanted to talk to but didn’t have the time to. Now is the time, call up old friends, and catch up. Find new hobbies and ultimately, we will have fought this crisis and we will be able to go back to normal. Be grateful if you’ve not been affected and always remember those in your prayers who were unfortunate enough to be affected. Slowly but surely, everything will be better and we will have come out of this dark tunnel. We just need to look for the light at the end of this dark tunnel. In the end, our efforts to stop the spread of this virus by staying inside will reap a good result. United we can fight anything and everything. Sending love and prayers to everybody in hopes of a better, kinder and unperturbed future.

Go out in the sun after this is over and thank god for the miracle that is our life.
Whatever, we’ve been through has made us stronger,
We’ll come out of this crisis as well;
We have to be brave just a little bit longer,
After we succeed, we’ll have another tale to tell.
--Leah/ Maleeha

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