This blog will contain topics ranging from health, fitness and being positive to productive hacks and exuding confidence. It will cover topics to lighten up your mood and help you relate to some daily problems , not everybody talks about. Hope this blog makes you happy and brings a smile on your face and inspires you.
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Snack & Spill.
Welcome to the first post in Snack & Spill. I'm sure you've heard of things like the Breakfast club or Get to know me better. Well, I thought it was finally time I'd let you peek into my life and prove how silly of a human being I am. Let me know how you like this in the comments; I'd love to hear something from a reader.
Sit back, grab a snack, and let me begin spillin'.
I'm 15 right now, a sophomore in high school, a tenth grader if you will. I'm obsessed with blogging, writing poetry (Just wrote a book called Captive 🙄), writing stories, working out, dancing, singing, playing instruments like guitar and piano, reading, creating content for Instagram, and now Pinterest too. I love sharing things and putting myself out there. I hope you sorta got an idea of my personality. Now, let me share some stories - personal and embarrassing- but fun.
This one time, in fifth grade, I was 10 years old; the person who dropped me off from school to home and home to school took a day off. I was left to be picked up by my father. Now, here are the details about this day; I'd woken up on the wrong side of the bed, and god I felt like a zombie. We had a lot of papers due in school, assignments to be handed over, I had deadlines to follow, hand in projects; essentially, it was a really busy week. I'd been on my ass, working to and fro, since the beginning of the week by marvelous Monday and I was stoked to go home and get some rest as it was Friday that day. I gave my classes, the great student that I am, with little interest that day, having been drained by all the work and deadlines; we had a half-day -we always have half-days on Friday- and I packed up my books after 4th period. So, knowing that my father had to pick me up, I stayed behind on one of the dusty old benches in the school building. The time that we got off school at, was probably 12:45 am and I sat on the bench since. I was quietly seated until I couldn't sit anymore, hell how could I? It was 3:00 pm and I was furious. I'd asked for the school phone and the kind man that stands at our school gate stayed with me. Now, here's why I couldn't get home on my own: 1, I didn't know the way to my home; wait that's an understatement, I didn't have a good enough brain to figure out the way to the provisional store some 50 yards away from my lawn, requiring me to walk straight not even change lanes anywhere, how could I walk a 4 km distance. 2, Ya girl was too good to ask for help and so I basically strolled around our school until a teacher walked out and told me to sit down, as she'd noticed I'd probably looped around our huge school 50 times without sitting once. Honestly, I've got a crazy brain and I can't really quiet my thoughts that easily, or at least I couldn't before and so pacing helped me be patient, I hope that makes sense. If you've been privy to pacers like me, subscribe to my blog 😝. Anyways, I got out of the school building because I didn't wanna "embarrass" myself, seeing as my father had forgotten that he had a daughter. The next step that I took was scary, and I'd strongly advise you against wandering. I'm sitting on a bench outside of school; we've gotta walk across a bridge that connects the school parking lot to the school building which is about... I honestly don't know how long; I'm so familiar with that bridge that the distance feels like nothing. I walked the bridge; y'all the bridge was empty. I'm a "good girl" and I kinda zoom out of the classroom when the last bell rings so usually walking out of school and crossing that bridge is like battling a black mamba; you know you're gonna be exhausted, and the odds of you winning are astronomical, but ya do it anyway, just for the 'sake' of it. There are like hundreds of people and tired and loud and noisy kids sort of flying across the bridge; I'm not exaggerating, I swear that's what the hustle and bustle feels like. But that tumultuous day, everybody seemed to be gone. I, thinking the world had abandoned me, thought to myself, "What do I do?" Yo, I'm telling ya, I'm a furious kid, 'kay! 😅 So when my dad "forgot" about my existence so conveniently, I decided that I didn't need him; I decided to go Christopher Colombus on him and discover 'America', that was my home somewhere. I walk across the road furiously and begin storming off in the opposite direction to the one which I was supposed to take 👌🏾. After walking for an hour, my feet wanted to give up but I walk right back to my school and sit there. I was disappointed, tired, dehydrated, half-crying though tears wouldn't roll down my cheek, I just made an I-am-lost kinda face and winced at everyone who passed me wondering why I was born into this ruthless world. Now, I was a shy kid and naturally couldn't even bring myself to ask someone for water. After some time, I remember feeling dizzy and frizzled, so much so that I sat on a railing. I sat at a place from where I could fall into a river. 👀 If you think I am crazy, hear me out first. I was scorched, sweating tonnes of sweat, urea and whatever flowy thing was left in my body. I had a bag that literally weighed like 50 pounds, I'm serious, dead serious! 😩 A kind police officer offered me water and asked if I were okay and why I was leaning against the railing as if I were a dead body; I sat up straight, smoothened my hair and god knows why refused the water. Note to Past Self: You were a dummy! 😳 The police officer told me that he'd sit across from me to ensure I was safe until my lovely father who was by the way on mars, I suppose digging for water; would arrive and take me. I was grateful to see how he looked at me and smiled to see if I'd felt warmed up enough to ask for the thing that I most definitely needed: HELP. But y'all, 'fore ya judge me, I was taught not to trust strangers; a teaching which I'll shun in 3-2-1. At around 5:30 pm, I'd had enough, a man, a kind man but a 'stranger' sees me and asks what I was doing here on a half-day. I thought to myself:I'm waiting for the television to announce when my father's getting back from Mars to pick me up, why?I asked for his phone warily and dialed my father's number, no frickin' reply. He is joined by another man soon after he asked me the million-dollar question: Why wasn't I home yet? I didn't answer him, I just stared at him like a zombie. I felt like I was Witchita (Emma Stone) from Zombieland, I wanted to shoot someone's brain out of their skull. 😝 After a little conversation with this 'dude', I hop into his car, tired as hell, didn't care that I was in a car with two strange men, driving me god knows where. My advice, always tell your mom to pick you up 😂, no but for real tho, don't hop into a random, in my case, a red van. Then my father, on the ride home (finally 🙄), calls me and my mom,decides to do the same, on the stranger's phone. Finally, the rocket had landed from Mars, and my existence was acknowledged. I don't remember what I said on the phone but in the next few seconds, I pulled up next to my house and got off the van. I don't even think I thanked the strange men that brought me home; the next thing that I know is that my father is suddenly the buddha and he wasn't on Mars, he'd just literally forgotten about me, he gave me an earful, which now looking back was deserved but unnecessary, considering I was exhausted. I get into my house and everybody takes turns giving me life lessons; I got into my shower, I cried (this was back when panic attacks were not my best friends 😕) and reminisced every moment. I realized that I'd gotten lost before but that's a story for another time. If you're curious, the next thing I did... I fell asleep and woke up late. I kinda thought that I had a long horrible dream but I wish that it was a dream, I couldn't have made up this terrible experience. Confirmation that what happened was real was me hearing a don't-get-lost taunt from my mom every morning before school. Yay me! ✌🏻
Anyways, the lesson that I got from this horrible experience was that I needed to memorize the way to my school. And lucky for me, I suppose I can walk to my school and around my school now. Heaven's blessings, 'tis, that I doth know the way to my school. 🙌🏻
If you wanna see more of me then check out my Instagram: I also wrote a book that is out on Amazon and I'd appreciate it if you'd honor me by checking it out. Here's the link to that:
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