My Personal Vampire
I woke up, sweat trickling down my forehead, drenched as if I’d taken a shower, glistening with sickness. I was pale and I felt weak. It was him again, I said to myself, not trying to make sense of what it was. Rather, I was trying to see how much blood he’d drank yesternight. Feasting on me, with a sad smile on his face.
I’d been seeing him since I was little and everyone called him a figment of my imagination but I knew that whatever they said, he was real. He was surreal, sure but not just my imagination.
I wouldn’t dare to create such a monster off of my imagination. I’d lost everything because of him. I don’t know what I’d done to deserve being left alive to grieve and mourn. I was alone. No one was there to wipe my sweat, no one was there to tell me that it was all just a dream because it wasn’t a dream; it was a nightmare. A nightmare that I’d lived everyday since I was little.
I couldn’t tell anyone about him. Our family’s misfortune had been a big story and I’d become a freak show.
“How is she still alive? Why is she so pretty? Why is she good at studying? How is she not depressed?”
The news reporters, media outlets, people seemed to be jabbering nonstop, the day after the accident. I looked at the pale moon that seemed to wail with me. It wasn’t misfortune. It was murder, literal cold blooded murder. And my plan was to catch him. Whatever the cost.
That’s why I studied hard, I wracked my brain, got good grades and got into the best law enforcement school I could. Then I got promoted to ‘Hawk’s University’, an institution that allowed us to work on special cases. Where deaths were mysteries that we were supposed to uncover. Where we were supposed to dig out buried stones… that day, I was supposed to show up at eight’o clock.
I’d stayed up the entire night and waited for him to come and he did. He sucked all the blood that he wanted and flew out the window like I was some old vending machine- the kind that you ‘kick to pick’ - he’d kicked me. And I’d given in. I didn’t even flinch as his fangs bit into my neck. He’d slurped, satisfied with the flavour, I suppose.
I wore my black t-shirt, that had a v-neck. It was pretty, like me, and dark, distant. That is just what I wanted to be. It was gonna be my first day at ‘Hawk’s University’; I was excited alright, as I pondered catching this blood sucking bastard. I hated him, for the record, I hated his face that I’d seen a million times, I hated how he smelled like a human but was a shrouded monster.
I wasn’t afraid of him, you see. I wanted to catch him; all I wanted to do was rip him apart and burn him, expose him to the world.
I got into my car and felt a rush of emotions overwhelm me. People in my neighbourhood treated me as the poor girl that lives down the street. Not poor, financially, I had a lot of money, my parents did anyway and they’d made sure to leave me every bit of it. I was the poor girl, family wise, “Look at her, she lives alone, bet she doesn’t even eat much.”, everyone whispered as if they couldn’t see me. I was the girl who didn’t go trick-or-treating on halloween. I was the girl who didn’t celebrate Christmas. I was the girl with issues.
People glaring at me was normal, subliminal, unfailing. I couldn’t stop to listen. I wanted to go on and not run away. I wanted to ask him exactly what my parents had done. I wanted to ask him why he’d spared me and after I would’ve received the answer to my questions, I’d kill him.
I got to my destination faster than I’d imagined and after walking up to the building, I ushered myself towards my classroom. I was not running late to class… I was running late to my fate.
I seemed to be the last one there. Everyone had settled into their seats. Even our professor had started introducing himself. I was stuck with the door. The bolt had caught the thread of my scarf. The scarf that hid bite marks from a vampire. Couldn’t exactly take it off.
I fumbled near the door, screaming inside my head and calm on the outside. Bet no one knew the storm that was killing me. I was desperate to start. To find answers. To find him.
As I messed around with my scarf to no avail, a student whose face I wasn’t interested in seeing walked up and helped me get loose. Like the faker I was, I politely thanked him. They seemed in awe of my miserable beauty. Everyone was so attracted to my exterior, only if they knew the horrible interior. The scars that gaped at anyone looking inside. I introduced myself to the professor who was talking to me about God knows what. I turned to face the class. That’s when I saw him. Sitting there like a perfect statue; the person I’d been looking for… oops, the VAMPIRE that I’d been looking for. “My name is Emma,” I said to the class, the boys were still staring open mouthed and I hated it. With my fake smile, I turned to the professor who pointed to my seat in the second row, next to him. My personal monster.
I walked nervously to the seat and smiled at him, acting as if I’d never seen him before. I'd gotten pretty good at it by now: acting, I mean. “Hey, nice to meet you.”, I uttered, now that I’d found him I was burning to twist his neck. To kill him right there but I didn’t wanna be hasty, I’d been in pain for eighteen long years, how could I give him a quick death. “Hey, nice to meet you too.” He muttered, he was good at it too, like me. He seemed to look at me with those same searching, thirsty eyes but it didn’t seem like he was gonna pull me close and drink right now. I took out my notebook and wrote him a note in my perfect handwriting, “I think we’ve met before.” I’d written and underlined before.
“I don’t think so,” he’d scribbled, his perfection matching mine.
Amused, I tucked the note safely away.
Hey guys, Leah, I mean me, I'm back with another story for you and this one will blow you away, what does one do when you start falling for the one you've despised your whole life, aside from being confused, what else does one feel? Wanna know. Read this story. I'm open to receiving compliments. Hit me up on Insta, Pinterest, my email. Really the ways are endless.
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